Stay here, I have something for you. Despite the fact that the Bitcoin Club is closed at the moment, you can now access my Bitcoin Trading Plan and start your journey in the world of cripto currencies like a pro.

Learn to invest in Bitcoin to change your future with Oliver’s strategy

You’re greatly interested in the idea of investing in Bitcoin

You have extra cash that you want to invest but listening to many opinions has you confused

You’re seriously thinking about it, but:

If you’re here it is because you have given yourself the opportunity to go beyond your fears and believe me when I say that I applaud that.

You are looking for information to make the best decision and, if you wish, I can guide you in doing so.

The day Bitcoin dropped

To be honest: I wasn’t a Bitcoin believer

I have been in the trading world for more than 35 years and in my long career I have seen many assets get off to a great start but then go down and never recover.

So, I wanted to see Bitcoin experience one more major drop. I wanted to see if and how it would recover from this drop.

I got my wish.

Bitcoin was at $ 20,000 USD and plummeted to almost $ 3,000 USD and from there it rebounded back to $ 14,000 USD. I was impressed.

I said to myself, «If Bitcoin´s next drop does not go lower than $ 3,000 USD, I´m going to start my buying commitment”.

At the start of this pandemic, Bitcoin dropped again. Only this time, if fell short of the prior $ 3,000 USD low.


That was exactly what I was looking for.

On March 12, 2020 I went online and made one of the biggest announcements of that year: I was going to make my first big investment in Bitcoin and in the cryptocurrency market.

On March 12th, I pled in. The price was $3,890 USD.

From that moment until today I have not stopped buying Bitcoin and I am not going to stop doing it.

Why invest in Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is freedom, it is independence, it is control of your personal life.

Bitcoin is the new gold.

If you want to enter the world of Bitcoin, I will teach you how to do it.

I am the author of 5 books which sell in 5 different languages. For 26 years, I´ve given speeches and seminars that have been attended by millions of people and I´m regarded as one of the pioneers of the active trading industry. Despite all this, I want to give you three simple reasons why you can trust me:

If someone with over three decades of experience served as my guide and mentor back in the 1980s, I think my path to trading success would have been shorter and much easier.

That’s what I’m offering you today.  

They have already followed my 5 step Bitcoin Plan to invest in Bitcoin and these are their results:

This is the best time for you to take action and start investing in the most valuable asset that currently exists.

With Oliver Velez’s “5-Step Bitcoin Plan” you will learn:

The strategy to invest in Bitcoin in a safe and a professional way.

When to buy so that you can program your own investment plan.

How much money to invest in Bitcoin.

How to make the volatility of this asset work in your favor

How to achieve consistency in this market

How to gain steady long-term and life-changing profitability from your Bitcoins

By purchasing the “5-step Bitcoin Trading Plan by Oliver Velez” today youwill gain access to:

5 power-packed videos in which I explain in detail each step of my proprietary investment strategy. This is the same strategy that has helped me achieve multi-million dollars gains last year.

90 minutes of education and training that will always be at your disposal so that you can review and study content as many times as you need to.

Oliver Velez’s

Bitcoin Trading Plan
$ 37 One Time
  • 5 videos with the strategy to invest in Bitcoin
  • 90 minutes of education and training
  • 5 Step Review

👉 It is important that you read this 👈

Oliver Velez’s 5-Step Bitcoin Plan is focused on the strategy to acquire Bitcoin.

  • It is not a course to learn how to use cryptocurrency platforms.
  • It Does not include personalized accompaniment or live sessions with Oliver Velez.
  • It is not an investment advisory.
  • It does not guarantee your results.

Do you have any doubts? Let's solve it!

Yes of course. The information that I share with you is given in a simple and clear way that will allow you to enter this world, safely and professionally.

Yes it works for you. If you are looking for a way to invest Bitcoin it is an excellent option.

Yes, The foundation of Oliver´s trading philosophy serves as the foundation of his Bitcoin Plan.

You don’t need large amounts of money to get started. That is one of the advantages of investing in Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. You can start as little as $5, $25 or $ 50 USD.

No investment is 100% safe, but a proper plan can greatly reduce the risk. You will have a plan that does just that, minimize the risk will maximizing the explosive potential.

It is necessary that you dedicate time to inform yourself but it does not require hours and hours viewing information.

No. The plan is focused on strategy. No matter what platform you use

Through the access platform to the course, you can pay by credit card and/or crypto

Yes. Get in touch with us directly through the following whatsapp numbers: +573127952251 and +573057261926

We take BTC, ETH  and USDT

It is time to invest in Bitcoin, in yourself and in your future!

You can follow this path..

 Or not.

But if you don’t follow it, I promise you this. I´ll some day in the future tell you,
«I told you so» AGAIN!

Oliver Velez’s

Bitcoin Trading Plan
$ 37 One Time
  • 5 videos with the strategy to invest in Bitcoin
  • 90 minutes of education and training
  • 5 Step Review

*Legal Notice: “All the strategies and investments involve risk of loss. None of the information found in this product should be interpreted as an investment advice and as a guarantee of results”